1. I go to the binoculars to pull up past quotes.
2. Enter past quote number - push "quote number" - as I have done for years..
3. It pulls the quote forward - "blackened" as it has been in the past...
4. I try to open it - and I can't - it tells me my files have been moved - to look under file menu to find - open quote.”
Answer: Until the last step, the find quote is looking at the QQuote.MDB so, that might not hit the real problem if the Quote file is not in the original location. Make a back up copy of the database file QQuote.MDB before you do anything.
Then try to use Del Missing button to remove the quote that does not point to the real file location and see if that will help. Make sure you are telling QwikQuote where your quotes are. (See File Location for more inforation)

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